Productivity experiment: The best time management tip that I have ever tried

This week I was following a time management method. This is nothing new or unusual, but rather a technique that has been out there for a while. But we are always running after more complex techniques and forgetting just as efficient simpler methods.

I am going to discuss briefly with you this simple method to “create” at least extra 2 hours in your day. Let’s get started:

Requirement of this technique:

  • To do list
  • Time slot schedule
  • Timer

Before you start this implementing this method, have a time slot plan. I am going to post a sample time slot plan of mine below.

  • 0.5 hours of Duolingo and Newspaper
  • 4 hours of reading
  • 5 hours of studying (including 10 mins break after every 90 mins) 
  • 0.5 hours of writing
  • 1 hour of movie/tv
  • 6 hours of misc/work
  • 7 hours of sleep

You can assign the number of hours you are going to spend on each task everyday first. Then you will time yourself while working. You will only do only this particular task while the timer is on. You have an interval system as well where you are going to switch your tasks from time to time to avoid burnouts.

Try to stay away from all sources of distraction while the timer is on.

Please remember to give yourself some flexibility as well. The number of hours does not matter but the efforts put in that time matter the most .

My Minimalistic and Productivity Laundry Routine

I have talked about having a maintenance day in previous blog. Maintenance day is a concept that I have learned from Chris Bailey’s A Life of Productivity blog. You can check the blog out because the blog is full of great productivity and time management tips. I have been doing all my chores such as running errands, laundry, and weekly cleaning once a week. I am loving having a maintenance day, but I loathe doing laundry.

I do not like doing my laundry weekly. I have been a daily laundry person since my senior year of high school. I tried to do my laundry once a week this week and it turns out to be more time consuming and less energy efficient and more damaging on the fabric. I recorded the time it took for me to activity participate in the whole doing-the-laundry process (excluding the waiting time). It took me 23 mins to do my weekly laundry. Yes, rather time consuming. By the way, this includes folding the clothes as well. But doing your laundry everyday is less time consuming and energy efficient. It does not age your clothes.

Let me briefly explain my laundry routine:

  1. Wardrobe Organization: I am a minimalist when it comes to my wardrobe. I have three drawers in my wardrobe. The top, middle, and bottom shelves are shelf A, shelf B, and shelf C, respectively. The shelf A would have all the outfits that I am going to wear that week. I am not going to touch shelf B and C during the week. Shelf B would have all the clothes that wear frequently. Shelf C would have all garments that I rarely wear. I will only make use of shelf A though-out the week and will renew the garments at the end of the week (after 7 days, to be exact). This will give you more time in the morning and will also prevent decision fatigue.
  2. Weekly Drawer: Shelf A would have 7 pairs of outfits (you can keep one additional one for emergency or you can check your schedule and decide what you would need that particular week) I personally like to have 8 outfits  (4/5 tops, 2/3 dresses, 2/3 pants or shirts; 1 belt), 3 PJ sets, and laundry bag. The laundry back is for keeping dirty clothes or sometimes I like to keep clean clothes that needs to be ironed and folded(I iron and fold the clothes at the end of the week).
  3. Everyday Wash: I wash my clothes everyday and my towels every other day (I keep only one towel, one hand towel, and one wash cloth in my bathroom; I keep other towels in another drawer in my bathroom; every other day I exchange the towel set). While I take my shower at night, I wash my clothes at the same time. I keep a tub in my shower and soak my clothes in water with detergent for about 05-10 mins (remember, since you are washing your clothes daily, you do not need to soak you clothes for 30 mins)
  4. Air-drying: I keep a rack here the window and I hang my clothes there and let it air dry overnight. Usually they are dry in the morning.
  5. Organization: After they are fully dried, I fold the clothes and keep them in the laundry bag and I fold them at the end of the week. The reason why I do not fold them right after washing them is because I want to wear them after a week or two again. If I keep them back in the drawer, then I am more likely to wear them again the next week. So, I will fold them or iron if needed when I will have no clothes left in shelf A. Before organising the folded newly washed clothes in shelf B, I will take the clothes out that I intent to wear throughout the week  from shelf B and put them in shelf A. Now, I can keep the clean clothes in shelf B. This prevents decision fatigue.

I hope you enjoyed my laundry routine. Trust me, it is not one less time consuming, but also damage-preventing. In terms of hygiene, it is good as well. Note: You can adjust the soaking time based on the activity of the day and on how dirty the clothes are.

Productivity Experiment: Stop-watch Method, Single-tasking, and conquering unmotivated hours.

This week I spend some time experimenting some more productivity methods. Once of them being the stop-watch method. This method is a productivity-booster. Let me explain how it works:

  1. Have a to-do list.
  2. Estimate time it will take to complete each tasks in your to do list
  3. Set a timer for that estimated time and do not look at the time while working.
  4. If the timer goes off and you are still not done, then start a stopwatch and continue working until you are done.
  5. Record the time spend on each tasks.

I will definitely recommend you to try this method. The best thing about this method is that you are not working against the time, but working with time. You are not looking at a clock while helps you to work at your own pace.

Single tasking is something that I paired with the stop-watch method. These two methods worked very well with each other.

With pomodoro method, I switched my tasks with every pomodoro interval, but with the stop watch method I worked on one particular task until I was done with it. I found this rather helpful because then I did not have to start over again.

After finishing that particular task, I took a break of 5-10 mins (If the task is not very time consuming, then I moved to another task).

I also tried something new this week. I stopped wasting time! I used my unmotivated hours on reading, chores, and exercise. I saved up to 10 hours this week. Whenever I do not feel like studying, then I just used it for something that does not require a lot of attention. I would highly recommend you to this and save a lot of hours this week.

Have to gain more hours in a day?

  1. Sleep: Sleep is extremely beneficial for your health, but at the same time it takes up on average 1/3 of your life. Some people it is doable while for other is not. Everyone has their own sleep requirement. Some people need only 6 while other require 10 hours. My brother sleep for around 12 hours on weekends and I can hardly sleep for 6. So, I recommend keeping track of your sleep and find the right amount of sleep. Please do not be lazy and keep pressing the snooze button . If you got your 8 hours or whatever number of hours you need, then get yourself out of the bed right at the second.
  2. Television/ Movies/Games: It is rather a struggle to keep you away from the TV and movies. I highly recommend you to quit watching tv completely for the most part. I started with baby steps. I cut down my tv viewing hours to an hour a day and now I am pressing myself even harder by not watching tv at all. Try limiting your tv viewing habits first and then stop watching it completely. You will have an extra hour or two in your hand per day.
  3. Internet: I tried the internet detox and absolutely hated it. But it really helped me to cut down the amount of time I spend on the internet. I recommend an internet detox first and then limiting your internet access only for work purposes.
  4. Social Media/Email/Texts: Turn your notification off and check your social media/email/IM once or twice a day.

Things to do instead of wasting your unmotivated hours?

  1. Read: Reading is enjoyable. It is rather an extremely useful way to spend your time. Have a book with you at all time and read while waiting or whenever you have time.
  2. Learn a language: I personally love Duolingo. Whenever I have time, I spend 15 mins on Duolingo everyday.
  3. Exercise: Instead of spending hours on Netflix, use this time to break some sweat. I love Blogilates and Yoga with Adrienne. Use these wonderful tools to workout or just go for a jog.
  4. Plan: Have a plan before your work. I would recommend waiting time on planning so that you will know what to do when it is the time to work.
  5. Chores: Spend your unmotivated hours of chores or running errands.

How to save hours while working?

  1. Have a plan: Plan is for having a clear idea of what you are going to do and to prevent you from forgetting or jumping from one thing to another.
  2. Have a system: I personally love the pomodoro system, but I also love the stopwatch method (I am writing a post on this method.) Work and only work while working.
  3. Have no distractions: Please have your internet/notification off during these hours.
  4. Take regular breaks: This will restorer your energy and keep you motivated.

Productivity Experiment: Time Blocking


I tried time blocking today. Read if you interested in knowing How Time Blocking works. Worst time management technique for me! I used to use time blocking when I was young (maybe in middle school), but I have never used this method since them. I am good with trying new things, but this method just ruined my day in general. Throughout the day, I was working against the time, not with the time. I was paying more attention to the clock than to my work. Whenever I had to do something urgent, I missed my study time and that particular time to work on one particular task. There is no room for flexibility.

Here’s how I blocked my time:

Time Block Schedule

You just feel guilty thought the day because you do not just get any feeling of satisfaction. I felt stressed and felt like I am not working hard enough.

I will not recommend this to someone with a busy schedule, but would recommend this for smaller tasks that require only a few hours of work. I suppose you can use this method for reading plan, but it is not a good method for planning your whole day.

Thanks for reading! Let me know what you think.



Productivity Experiment: 35-Hours Per Week/ Countdown Method


This week I am starting a new productivity experiment. I am going to use a French System of giving 35 hours per week to studying and 35 hours to reading and writing. I am also using the countdown method this week- I will set a deadline for each tasks and start my stopwatch. This will help me keep track of my time. I also give myself some break in between. Let me give a brief summary of these my productivity routine using these two methods:

Sample Schedule:

5:30- Wake up and get ready; have breakfast

6:15- Read for 30 mins (I am going to use a stopwatch for tracking my time instead of a normal clock) I am also going to assign myself a certain number of pages/chapter that I plan to read though these 30 mins.

6:50- Study (I am going to use a stop watch and assign time spend on each task before hand)

7:50- Break (these 10 min long breaks will count towards the 35 hours because these breaks will help you repelish your energy)

8:00- Study

9:00- Write for an hour

10:00- Break (strictly for chores)

10:15- Study

11:15- Read

12:15- Break (strictly for chores)

12:30- Study

13:30- Get ready for work/ Write

14:30- Work/Get ready for work

Flexible time during work- try to finish the daily hour of movie or show + at least 30 mins of reading. If you get time, try to do an hour of studying as well if planning to work late hours.

20:00- Study

21:00- Study

22:00- Read

After I get done with this experiment, I am planning to post all my resources used (all my excel sheets, planners, and other interesting things used in this experiment) But let’s see how it goes.



Productivity Experiment: My Pomodoro Routine


I LOVE the pomodoro technique. I just think that it is a blessing from heaven. I do not know how I will stay as focus and productive that I am now without it. Definitely a productivity booster. I don’t know how many of your know about pomodoro technique, but I will definitely recommend you to give it a try and see what it does to your productivity. It may not work for everybody, but you can always experiment.

Before I start describing my pomodoro routine, please read Pomodoro 101 and Pomodoro Technique. If you like this routine, let me know I will make a printable schedule and post as soon as I can.

Pomodoro Routine

Before you start working, please have a to-do list and estimate how many pomodoros you would need to complete each tasks. Then you need construct your day. You can use Path Jet’s Pomodoro Schedule to customize your own study schedule.

This is my Path Jet Pomodoro schedule. I just add the start time and end time and it generates a schedule for me and also the estimated pomodoro for the day. Somedays I start a bit later or earlier, but this is what I use on most days.

Before work:

Screenshot at Jun 18 09-39-48

I start my day by reading. Before, I read I like to have a plan in mind about the number of pages I am going to find during this interval of 25 mins. I normally read around 15-20 pages in one pomodoro interval. In fact, I use 4 pomodoros before work. I use one pomdoro interval during one pomodoro session (1 pomodoro session = 4 pomodoro intervals)

Use breaks to replenish your energy for the next task. I personally like to move around and list to some classical music. Or just finish some short chores.

Use longer breaks to catch up on other things like chores, relationships, podcasts, exercise, etc. I would not recommend using your phone or watching a show or a movie during this time. This will not restore your energy, but will rather distract you.

During work:

Pomodoro technique does not work the best during work because I constantly have to start and stop the timer due to interruptions, but it is better than wasting your time, right? I use the Path Jet schedule again. What I try to do is to finish all my work as soon I get there and start studying. I give more work throughout the day and if I have to, I will stop the timer and finish the task first and return to studying.

Sample Work Pomodoro session

Screenshot at Jun 18 09-54-29.png

I try to get at least 2-3 pomodoros done, but somedays it is juts not possible.Then around 8, I study for (more or less) an hour. I use pomodoro technique again.

Screenshot at Jun 18 09-56-54.png

Around 9 pm, I indulge in some virtual entertainment. I do not use the pomodoro technique for this. 🙂 I watch an hour of this and pause and continue the next day.

Around 10 pm, I read using the pomodoro technique.

Around 11 pm, I get ready for bed. I am asleep by 11:30.

I hope you enjoy this pomodoro routine of mine and hope you reap some benefits from it. Let me know if you want me to make a printable planner for pomodoro session. I will be more than happy to post it for you.

