Entertain Like The Gilmore Girls: Season 1 Episode 1


I am going to list every reference listed or shown in the Pilot of Gilmore Girls. This week and the next few weeks (until I finish all the books listed in the Pilot), I am going to entertain myself using these things listed below. Ready?


1. On the Road by Jack Kerouac
2. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain
3. Stephen King (if you reading using this sequence, you can pick any book by Stephen King. I am planning to read Under The Dome or The Stand.)

4. Mistress of Mellyn By Victoria Holt (Rory was seen holding the book)

5. Rosemary’s Baby by Ira Levin
6. Moby Dick by Herman Melville
7. Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert
8. The Second Sex By Simone De Beauvoir

9. Mommie Dearest by Christina Crawford (read the book or watch the movie. I intend to do both)

10. The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen


  • There She Goes by The LA’s – This is the first scene ever on the show where you see Lorelai walking to Luke’s. It is very good song and gives happy vibes every time I listen to it.
  • Eminem: refered by Lane
  • Britney Spears: refered by Rory
  • Where the Color Don’t Go by Sam Phillips – This song is played when Lorelai goes to her parent’s house to ask for money for Rory’s school.
  • Wendy by Wesley Yang and Gavin Mcnett – This is played when Rory gets her stuff from her locker.
  • Heartland By George Strait is played when Rory and Lorelai are walking to their home from Luke’s.
  • Ballet Waltz by Herman Beeftink is played at Miss Patty’s dance class.
  • I Try by Macy Gray is played after a heated argument between Rory and Lorelai.
  • My Little Corner Of The World by Kit Pongetti is played at Luke’s in the last scene of the Pilot.


  • West Side Story: Referred by Lorelai to Luke.
  • Rosemary’s Baby: Referred by Rory to Dean.
  • Mommie Dearest: Referred by Lorelai to Rory.
  • Nick At Nite: Referred by Rory to Lorelai about Dean.
  • Zsa Zsa Gabor
  • Oprah

Here you go! Enjoy the next few weeks with these entertainment-packed things to do!

If I get more references from the Pilots, I will add more. But for now, I think that’s it.




Reading Like Rory

Hello Again!

In order to live a resourceful life, one must read. Reading is such an enjoyable activity. It not only helps you gain knowledge, but also helps you exercise your imagination in the most exciting way possible. It takes you on adventures that you have never been before and helps you experience things that is far from reality. Reading makes your dream come true in the most intimate way.

I am starting a series of reading all the books discussed in the Gilmore Girls. My goal is to read one book at a time and on an average, finish one book in a week. I am going to go in chronological order (episode by episode). I will also review the books here and I know it will be a rather long process to finish the whole Gilmore Girls books collection. But I know it would be an enjoyable one. I have read several books from the list. So, I will be rereading some books.

I hope you enjoy this series and my other upcoming posts!

